英语论坛 为EFL / ESL学生和教师提供免费的英语论坛和聊天,讨论包括语法、考试、资格、学术/商务英语等问题。 2022年1月21日星期五01:47:03 +0000 2022年1月21日星期五01:47:03 +0000 英语论坛//www.v2lift.com/forum/ 小巷子(BrE) 2022年1月21日星期五00:11:44 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/snicket-alley-bre.291644/ 291644 invalid@example.com(记忆单元) 问老师 记忆单元


snicket (复数 snickets)
  • 1968, Barry Hines, 一个红雀为一个侠客:他在两个房子之间砍下一个snicket,到田野里。
  • 2018, Will Eaves, 低语, Canongate 2018, p. 89:我们的自行车在我们离开它们的地方,在一个杂草丛生的snicket的红豆松,常春藤和哈特舌蕨,通过小溪滴入……

墙上镶板 2022年1月20日星期四23:14:01 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/wall-panelling.291642/ 291642 invalid@example.com (PRD2021) 问老师 PRD2021 当我们要做墙板工作时,我们会修理墙上的灯,因为我们需要追逐墙壁,并运行电缆供电。当我们做墙板工作时,我们会修理墙上的灯,因为我们需要追着墙走,并为电源供电。

以上句子语法正确吗?它们的意思相同吗?< / div >
我8点去不了 2022年1月20日星期四22:01:51 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/i-can%E2%80%99t-make-it-at-8.291631/ 291631 invalid@example.com (diamondcutter) 问老师 diamondcutter Tom在他的花园里有很多事情要做。我想明天早上帮他,我8点到那里。你会来吗?B:当然,但是我8点去不了。9点怎么样?

我想知道我是否在这种情况下使用“I can 't make it at 8”正确,我认为这意味着“我不能在8点到达那里”
免得他撕了 2022年1月20日星期四21:53:25 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/lest-he-tear-it.291629/ 291629 invalid@example.com(99瓶) 编辑写作选题 99瓶
我刚刚在某处读到,这个词< I >生怕是文学的。这是否意味着它不适合我写的那种故事?我用过几次。我要回去换吗?例如,在下面的句子中……

他慢慢地、小心地打开那封旧的、破旧的信,以免撕坏了 6 动机信-软件设计硕士 周四,2022年1月20日21:30:47 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/motivation-letter-msc-in-software-design.291632/ 291632 invalid@example.com (vattujan) 简历,简历和申请 vattujan
Dear Ma’am/Sir,

I am *Full name*. I have been living here in Denmark for 6 years and currently working as Frontend developer in *Company*, Copenhagen. I have completed Professional Bachelors in Web development from Zealand, Roskilde.

My desire to leave a mark and do something incredible with my life had led me to pursue the field of softwares and its development, and brought me to this dark yet...

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对青少年的课程有什么想法/计划? 2022年1月20日星期四20:13:55 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/speaking-lesson-ideas-plans-for-teenage-classes.291510/ 291510 invalid@example.com (newbie101) 德赢ac米兰官方教英语 newbie101
hello friends,
I have been given six weeks' speaking/conversation classes to teach in a local school of two age groups, 16 and 17 year olds.
I would hope to get 6 different lesson plans and repeat the lesson to every class for one week, then move on to the second lesson plan for the all classes for the second week, and so on.
The schools are science-oriented schools here in Italy, so they prepare student for higher study in these fields, or work.
The lessons aren't expected to have a...

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如果这是我感兴趣的东西 2022年1月20日星期四19:58:51 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/if-it-is-something-that-i-am-interested-in.291638/ 291638 invalid@example.com(雷切尔·亚当斯) 问老师 雷切尔·亚当斯

"I forget names and things easily, but if it is something, that I am interested in, I remember it."
什么时候必须用“of”连接两个名词 2022年1月20日星期四19:55:03 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/when-must-use-of-to-link-two-nouns.291605/ 291605 invalid@example.com (semcem) 问老师 semcem

请您能解释给我什么时候我必须使用 "把两个名词连起来,我总是觉得很困难。

exp: 正确的句子在哪里?


”;or "motor energy"

" creation of the network" or "the network creation"

note: I write in FORMAL english
满身瘀伤 2022年1月20日星期四17:03:03 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/covered-in-with-bruises.291641/ 291641 invalid@example.com (Nonverbis) 问老师 Nonverbis

Could you have a look at these two articles from a dictionary.

The exercise is taken from Upstream Proficiency by Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley.
What troubles me is item 7. I answered covered with bruises. Could you help me understand whether this variant is possible or not? The dictionary gives 'in/with" for...

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学校/大学/学院/课程开始 2022年1月20日星期四16:01:27 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/school-university-college-courses-start.291637/ 291637 invalid@example.com(雷切尔·亚当斯) 问老师 雷切尔·亚当斯
Is the definite article required before these words in my sentences?

1. "School/university/college/courses start soon. The holidays are nearly over."
2. "School/university/college/courses finish at 7 pm."
3. "School/university/college/courses start at 8 am."
“什么可能是潮”的意思 2022年1月20日星期四15:49:35 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/meaning-of-what-might-be-tide.291639/ 291639 invalid@example.com (AFXX) 英语俚语 AFXX < div class = " bbWrapper”>的歌词,一个传统的爱尔兰歌曲叫亚瑟麦克布莱德如下:< br / > < br / > <我>我有一个表妹叫亚瑟麦克布莱德< br / >他和我漫步海边< br / >寻找好运,可能是潮汐< br / > ' Twas正如这一天是一个曙光< br / >休息后我们都花了一个流浪汉< br / >我们见面哈珀中士和下士抽筋< br / >除了小鼓手击败了营地< br / >和他吵闹的陶氏陶氏早上< / i > < br/>
Does "what might be tide" mean "what is going on"? Is this idiom still in...

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如果我不能赢得任何奖项,我就浪费了我的时间和精力 2022年1月20日星期四15:17:05 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/if-i-can%E2%80%99t-win-any-of-the-prizes-i-would-have-wasted-my-time-and-effort.291634/ 291634 invalid@example.com (diamondcutter) 问老师 diamondcutter

This is from a test paper which is for 9th graders in China and I’m not the test writer. I think there’s something wrong with this sentence in it.

What’s more, if I can’t win any (of) the prizes, I would have (wasted) my time and effort.

I have no question with its answers but its tense. I mean the main clause should be: I will waste my time and effort.

What do you say?
安乐死和安乐死 2022年1月20日星期四15:10:38 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/euthanasia-and-euthanisation.291640/ 291640 invalid@example.com(居) 问老师 < div class = " bbWrapper”>“尽管一些< a href = " https://dictionary.cambridge.org/zht/%E8%A9%9E%E5%85%B8/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AA%9E-%E6%BC%A2%E8%AA%9E-%E7%B9%81%E9%AB%94/people " target =“平等”类=”链接链接——外部“rel =“nofollow”ugc noopener >人< / > < a href = " https://dictionary.cambridge.org/zht/%E8%A9%9E%E5%85%B8/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AA%9E-%E6%BC%A2%E8%AA%9E-%E7%B9%81%E9%AB%94/campaign " target =“平等”类=”链接链接——外部“rel =“nofollow”ugc noopener >活动< / > right to安乐死,还是< a href = " https://dictionary.cambridge.org/zht/%E8%A9%9E%E5%85%B8/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AA%9E-%E6%BC%A2%E8%AA%9E-%E7%B9%81%E9%AB%94/illegal " target = "平等"类=”链接链接——外部“rel =“nofollow”ugc noopener >非法< / >在大多数< a href = " https://dictionary.cambridge.org/zht/%E8%A9%9E%E5%85%B8/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AA%9E-%E6%BC%A2%E8%AA%9E-%E7%B9%81%E9%AB%94/country " target =“平等”类=”链接链接——外部“rel =“nofollow”ugc noopener >国家干净自己的< / > < br / > < br / >上面的句子摘自剑桥在线词典。

我能代替“安乐死”吗?通过“euthanisation" ?< / div >
宗教是不正确的 2022年1月20日星期四14:01:28 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/religion-is-not-correct.291625/ 291625 invalid@example.com(雷切尔·亚当斯) 问老师 雷切尔·亚当斯
" this religion is not correct"听起来自然吗?我可以用"…but I think that for many reasons this religion is wrong in many ways?"

"I was born in a Christian country, but I think that for many reasons this religion is not correct."
在当下/在当下/在当下 周四,2022年1月20日12:42:43 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/in-the-moment-in-the-moments-in-moment.291627/ 291627 invalid@example.com(雷切尔·亚当斯) 问老师 雷切尔·亚当斯
Should I use "in moments of stress", in moment of stress", "in the moments of stress", or "in the moment of stress"
Does "comfortable for me" sound natural?

"In moments of stress,/in the moment of stress, I try to think about things that are pleasant or comfortable for me, like a favourite author."
吃正餐而不是午餐 2022年1月20日星期四10:56:08 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/eat-meal-instead-of-have-lunch.291633/ 291633 invalid@example.com (fenglish) 问老师 fenglish

Let's go to have lunch at 12:00pm.

Can I say let's eat meal at 12:00pm?

这些钱帮助学生买新衣服,钢笔和铅笔。 2022年1月20日星期四10:20:12 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/the-money-helps-the-students-with-new-clothes-pens-and-pencils.291635/ 291635 invalid@example.com (diamondcutter) 问老师 diamondcutter 许多中国学生募捐来帮助有需要的人。这笔钱帮助云南和甘肃等贫困地区的学生买了新衣服,钢笔和铅笔。我的一个学生写了这些句子。我不太确定他是否正确地使用了“help someone with something”这个结构。你说呢?< / div > 4 …从第十页开始。 2022年1月20日星期四09:09:44 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/beginning-on-page-10.291628/ 291628 invalid@example.com (kadioguy) 问老师 kadioguy

Joel Bookstore

请查看我们的新小册子。从第4页开始,在我们的Food and Otink部分,你会发现商业和私人厨房的专业厨师和美食爱好者感兴趣的标题。我们在第6页的旅行和旅游板块包括旅游指南和短语手册,以帮助您在这个秋天去哪里旅行。关于商业和住宅建设的最新消息…

简历中有“关于我”的部分 周四,2022年1月20日08:48:11 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/an-about-me-section-in-cv.291617/ 291617 invalid@example.com (shania117) 简历,简历和申请 shania117 亲爱的老师们,我在我的简历中加入了一个可以表达我自己的部分,下面的句子是其中的一部分,我希望能得到专家的反馈。


I am a person who is energetic, optimistic, honest, humorous, caring, extremely affectionate, emotional, a great team player, a quick learner, and a passionate and inquisitive person. I take pride in being good at time management and task classification. I always go above and...

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“然后,是的 周四,2022年1月20日07:33:30 +0000//www.v2lift.com/forum/threads/then-yes.291636/ 291636 invalid@example.com(雷切尔·亚当斯) 问老师 雷切尔·亚当斯

